Pros and Cons Digital Camera vs. Film

Consumers are very sensitive to the lower priced "point and shoot" models (some 5 million digital cameras were in the U.S. during the 2005 Christmas holiday selling season), but there are still some objectors.

Much has been made in digital technology in recent years, but more sophisticated digital cameras, have recently fallen in price enough to attract the "serious amateur" too. In the past, the price of today's digital camera was more suitable for the professional that the investment could turn into a source of income.

Even traditional film fans will slowly, over the benefits of digital photography. Among the objectors, the main problem seems to be confusion. There are so many possibilities with a wide range of options, and how many price ranges.

It is cheaper to make a decision that after a mistake to make.

Lost in the terminology and have reservations about the quality of digital photos and the reliability of digital cameras. With the whirlwind of innovation from the floods in our daily life has become very difficult to maintain too.

Technological advances and prices drop, and tomorrow an agreement today may be outdated. At least that's what worries many potential digital camera owners.

Let us, then five of the most frequently asked questions digital photography, shed some light on the topic, for those who have doubts about this new technology, or they dismissed as a mere fad.

1. No digital cameras produce quality photos?
Digital photos can be viewed in very high resolutions, and could easily surpass conventional photographs, but many have seen the pictures of lesser quality. Early color printers could be used to print color photos from digital cameras, but the quality was not there. Blurry images on computer screens in low grade or small LCDs cameras themselves do nothing to increase their confidence.

But you see the images with high resolution in digital cameras today on a monitor or printed on the situation in one of the newer photo quality printers (using photo quality paper) and see the crystal clear quality of what is available now.

2. How durable digital photos?
Digital photos are not stored in the film. It will be stored in electronic memory devices that actually require much less attention than negative film.

As long is it paid reasonable storage unit at all, it should be no problem with the protection of recorded images with a digital camera, and you can burn copies of digital files on your computer or on a CD - an option not available with the film.

3. Digital photos are more expensive to process?
Not anymore. First, you can remove poor images before printing and only pay for the prints. Available with "Easy Share" The technology and photo quality printers now, affordable and convenient to print photos from your digital camera.

You can also not the task itself, in the comfort of your home - without expensive development chemicals, which are required for film processing! Or you can upload your images to a professional e-Processor Send and receive professionally produced photos back in the mail a few days.

4. Can I use different effects with a digital camera?
That depends on your digital camera. High-end models have built-in features that allow different types of securities. But even if your digital camera does not have these advanced features, you can manipulate the photos on your desktop, with any image editing software.

5. Zoom functions are comparable?
Here, digital cameras actually a distinct advantage over film cameras. While cheaper digital cameras can only digital zoom (which) is really just a form of in-camera expansion unit resulting in a lower resolution original image, high-end models are equipped with digital and optical zoom is available.

When shopping for your digital camera, give priority to the optical zoom and buy, the more powerful optical zoom to fit your budget. The digital zoom is a nice extra, but the effects can be replicated easily in the "process" of the image on your computer before printing the images.


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